Thursday, December 10, 2009

CPU's Description

A detailed overview of the CPUs:

- Turbo Mine CPU 1: Reduces the cool-down time of both mines and items made from mines by 25%. Only one Mine CPU can be used per configuration.
- Turbo Mine CPU 2: Reduces the cool-down time of both mines and items made from mines by 50%. Only one Mine CPU can be used per configuration.
- Auto Rocket CPU: Rapidly fires the selected type of rocket automatically for you during your own laser attacks.
- Cloaking CPU: Allows you to cloak your ship up to 10 times and remains in effect until you make an attack yourself. Note: Despite the cloaking device, you’ll still be visible to enemies on the mini map. So be on your guard!
- Slot CPU 3: Creates six new slots for extras on your ship. Only one Slot CPU can be used per configuration.
- Smart Bomb CPU: Creates an instant bomb out of 10 mines and 100 Xenomit which explodes like a mine, but doesn’t cause any damage to your ship. Note: The cool-down time for bombs is the same as for mines.
- Insta-shield CPU: Provides you with protection for 3 seconds during enemy attacks. It uses up 10 mines and 100 Xenomit every time it is selected. Note: The shield’s cool-down time is the same as for mines.
- Engine Boost CPU: Automatically gives your engines a boost using the best raw materials available.
- Targeting Guidance CPU 1: Improves your chances of hitting a ship and reduces the rate of ship lasers missing the target by 25%. It uses 10 Xenomit per volley.
- Targeting Guidance CPU 2: Improves your chances of hitting a ship and reduces the rate of ship lasers missing the target by 50%. It uses 10 Xenomit per volley.

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