Thursday, December 10, 2009

Galaxy Gate Delta

1st wave:
6 Lordakias
10 Mordons
15 Saimons

2nd wave:
1 Streuner (X-8 map) with Instant Shield
10 Streuners (X-1 map)

3rd wave:
6 Mordons
8 Kristalins (fly in high shields/slow config, shoot and fly out with speed config)

4th wave:
10 Lordakia (Be sure to shoot these first)
1 Lordakium with Instant Shield

5th wave:

10 Boss Lordakia
10 Boss Mordons
6 Boss Saimons

6th Wave:

15 Sibelonites (they don't following you so you can repair)
1 Sibelon with Instant Shield

7th wave:
6 Sibelonites
6 Kristalins (HARD! They repairing themselves so they won't stay in corner for long)
6 Boss Streuners (from X-8)

8th wave:
1 Kristallon with Instant Shield (He has a really long shooting range!) 112000 EP
10 Kristalins

9th wave:
30 Protegits
3 Boss Lordakium with instant shield

10th Wave:

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