Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hotkeys (updated)

Ctrl Fires lasers, it will also relock on a enemy user ship if you are fighting an enemy and he jumps and you jump after him just press Ctrl and it will relock on him (yes this does work).

Ctrl will also rotate to the next alien of the same type you just destroyed which makes it alot easier to lock onto what you want in a crowd (worked but not all the time for some reason)

Press Space bar to fire Rockets.
Press M to deploy mines.
Press J to jump through a port
Press C to switch between your Configurations
Press 1-5 to switch through Ammo
Press W-T to switch through Rockets
Press F11 for full screen (dont like it) Press F11 a second time to go back to regular screen but it will have a toolbar so you have to relog to get it back to normal.

Press F5 to refresh, It helps alot when Im lagging or chat isnt working. Make sure your in a neutral zone before doing it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice page capt just was checking out the page KISS_Of_Death from dbd2